Monday, January 30, 2012

School in the Philippines? ?

My boyfriend of three years in Filipino, and his family is from there. I'm mixed with white Spanish and a little bit Chinese. I take major pride in heritage. And we plan on making lots of babies. And I want them to be able to speak the language. I think I want it to be there first language. And I'm looking to become fluent to the Tagalog language.. (: I speak Spanish English and Chinese. My goal Acer college is to become a language teacher as well as a translator. And I personally adore the Philippines. Its beautiful. But I'm just wondering how and if I could go to school there. And if it is my best choice. As well as how easy is it to find a job there for someone who looks white. What are my best choices? What courses could I take? Or should we take or majors here and move there after college?School in the Philippines? ?
what part of the Philippines are you planning to stay anyway? there are good school scattered all over the country. but if it is tagalog that you wanted to learn, then you probably will he staying in manila. your skin color doesnt matter as long as you qualify for any job you are intrested in. as for a school. i can name a few. theres my school UST (university of SANTO TOMAS) that is in Manila. Mirriam College in Quezon City. St. Sholastica in Manila is exclusive for girls. im sure there are others who teaches languages but those are the 3 had in mind. search the net for universities and colleges and the courses they offer and contact them thru email if they provide what you require.School in the Philippines? ?
I'd do school here, see if you there is a semester abroad available where you could go to the Philippines and study, and then make your decision after your done with school. Studying abroad will give you a decent feel for the country, job market, housing market, etc... and help you decide how and if to move there.School in the Philippines? ?
Jobs are nationalized, meaning you can't get a job unless you become a Filipino Citizen. Well you can, but there would be some requirements first, like a certification that there are no Filipinos available who can do the job that you do.
try seaching first if there is a tagalog language course you can learn from online! that will be very helpful

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